please help me find my favorite childhood doll : toys

Help me reddit!

I’ve never used reddit before but because of other social media platforms I think this is the place to go regarding my dilemma.

When I was a kid, I used to have this doll, she had blond hair(might have been in pigtails), a white turtleneck, and a matching pink vest and pants. When you punched her she sang the following things

  • “Munchkins say how do you do? We are here to cheer for you. Yee-haw XX Woo-hoo!”

  • “I stomp my feet. I boogie to the beat. I turn around. I touch the ground. I wiggle it, just a little bit.”

  • “Cookies, cookies, cookies & cream. What’s the matter with the other team? Nothing, nothing, nothing at all. They just XX can’t play ball!”

  • “Riding on a donkey. Sitting on a cactus. We think your team needs a little practice. Jump in the tub, pull out the plug. There goes your team, chug, chug, chug.”

  • “We’re #1, we can’t be #2 ’cause we’re going beat the whoopsie’s out of you, the whoopsie’s out of you.”

(she is not a munchkin brand doll, maybe an off brand I think)

The only thing I have left of her is her pants(i’ve attached a picture of them and the tag), its been a long time and if theres one for sale, or at least any pictures of this doll out there, I would be very grateful

r/toys - please help me find my favorite childhood doll

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